Giving our families the best start in life
Life at South Acton Children's Centre Life at South Acton Children's Centre Life at South Acton Children's Centre Life at South Acton Children's Centre Life at South Acton Children's Centre


Welcome to Holly Room


Holly Room is a room that supports children with mild and complex special needs and disabilities. The session times are 9.30-2.30

Your child will have a key-person and you will be informed of their name during the home- visit. You will be able to talk to your child’s key person on a daily basis but please remember that if you think your discussion will need a longer time than a few minutes, then please let your child’s key person know. This will mean that you will need to turn up ten minutes earlier. If your child is going to come to nursery on the transport bus then you will be given a communication book which can be used daily if needed for information sharing. Or you can contact staff on 0208 992 0724.

Staff are welcoming and very experienced and have relevant training to support your child to learn, enjoy and achieve.

They are taught from the very beginning about boundaries and expectations of behaviour. This is supported through the use of language, gesture, Makaton, picture resources, objects of reference, Picture Exchange Communication (PECS), visual timetables and repetition, structure of routines and special activities such as ‘Bucket Group’, which supports the development of attention and listening and tracking and focusing skills.

Holly Room work very closely with outside professionals who come on site such as the Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapists and the Educational Psychologist. They work 1:1 with your child and provide therapy programmes for your child’s key- person as well as parents and carers to follow. Once your child has started and settled in nursery a meeting will be arranged so that all professionals involved as well as yourselves can meet and share information.

It is very important that your child gets to nursery at the correct time because when the session has started it may mean that you will have to wait to enter the room, if a group activity is in progress. This is so that the other children and staff carrying out the targeted work are not distracted.

Specialist equipment that your child may need will be ordered once your child has started and been seen by the specialist professional. This can take time but we are still able to cater or your child’s needs while their individual pieces are on order.  

There are fixed holiday dates for Holly Tree Room and you will be given a letter with term dates for the coming year.

Welcome and enjoy your time with us here at South Acton Children’s Centre…Holly Tree Room